About Our Omphalos

I am a public school teacher, yoga and meditation instructor, writer, speaker, and founder of Our Omphalos. My passion for teaching comes from years of positive classroom experiences with children, numerous educational leadership roles, and community programming for children and adults. I have developed a diverse skill set that allows me to work with teachers, parents, community organizations, and children of all ages. Over the years, the content of my instruction has broadened, evolving from my dedication to connecting with people.

I am a yoga practitioner. I have been practicing for what seems like forever, and sharing everything that I have learned as soon as I digest it. I was formally trained as a yoga teacher in Toronto by Sujen Chen, and then furthered my education with the Himalayan Institute of Buffalo, NY. Gratefully, I was initiated into that lineage of teachers. I have been teaching children and adults yoga and meditation in both intimate and large group settings for over 20 years. I continue my own practice daily, and meet with my teachers each week.

Here is the most recent scoop! I wrote a book called ‘Heart Sense. Cultivating Awareness, Loving Kindness, Care and Compassion’. It is essentially my greatest hits list. I curated and synthesized information that has served me well over the years. My goal was to plant seeds in the hearts and minds of those who come across the work. The Heart Sense manual is bound to bloom organizations from the inside out, starting with the individuals that compose the organization.

Our Omphalos is the company I founded to educate people on the importance of
mindfulness, meditation, self care and reflection. It serves as a hub for valuable educational services and resources. The name Omphalos means the center or source of something. In Greek mythology, an Omphalos is a religious stone or artifact. Among the ancient Greeks, it was a widespread belief that the Omphalos was the center point of the universe. I can only conclude that the center point of the human body is the heart, thus the name Our Omphalos.

Our Omphalos Jennifer


So, here is the most recent scoop! I wrote a book called, Heart Sense. Cultivating Awareness, Loving Kindness, Care and Compassion.

It's my greatest hits list. I curated and synthesized information that has served me well over the years. My goal was to plant some seeds in the hearts and minds of those who come across the work.

I know that things will bloom for you or the people who make up your organization when the time is right. 

Our Workshops

During our workshops participants will learn about living from the heart, ways to move the physical body to release stress, meditation, emotional intelligence, self -care and our shared humanity. Participants will be actively engaged.

How Can I Learn More?


During the presentations or workshops participants will learn about living from the heart, ways to move the physical body to release stress, meditation, emotional intelligence, self -care and our shared humanity. Participants will be actively engaged.

Introduction to Meditation

Learn the basics of meditation and ways to help you make your practice part of your daily life. Sessions include: restorative yoga practice and suggestions, guided meditation and Yoga Nidra.

Opportunities for Children

Heart Sense – 50 minute Interactive Workshop for Kids. The purpose of the program is to teach deep breathing techniques, and physical movements, by quieting the mind and body through simple meditation techniques

Ignite your love of learning
and create a stronger social fabric!